Mistakes to avoid while building your resume

07 Oct
Mistakes to avoid while building your resume.jpg

By: hiringlink

Human Resource Management

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Is it really that impactful if you make a mistake on your resume? Yes, it does. In fact, submitting a substantially defective resume is the quickest way to be filtered out as an application.

Consider this: One of the most critical ways hiring managers use to evaluate you as a candidate is through your CV. Typos and grammatical errors can make you appear unqualified and unprofessional. Another common blunder is sending in a résumé that isn’t tailored to the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers and the talent management tools they employ to screen resumes will eliminate you from consideration for the job if you do this.

The Top Ten Resume Errors

More information on the most common resume mistakes and how to avoid them can be found here.

  1. Making Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes: Check your spellings and then proofread each word in your resume. Printing your resume, adjusting the font, or pasting it into a blank email are all the options to be checked priorly. These techniques allow you to perceive your words with fresh eyes, which can aid in the detection of faults. Another approach for identifying errors is to read them out loud. Alternatively, get it reviewed by a job coach, a friend, or a family member.
  2. Not Using Keywords from the Job Posting: Your resume should contain the exact keywords found in the job posting. If you don’t include the proper keywords in your resume, it’s unlikely that you’ll be discovered because you won’t look to be a good fit for the job.
  3. Not Keeping Your Skills Section and Work History Up to Date: Your resume should be kept up to date and tailored to each job you apply for. Make sure to keep your skills and job history sections updated. Check that your resume’s skill-set section, particularly the computer and technological skills, is up to date.
  4. Too Much Information: Don’t tell your readers all there is to know about each position. Focus on the highlights; unless you’re seeking a post in academia or research (In that instance, instead of a resume, you could choose to produce a CV), keep your document to one or two pages. To improve readability, use formatting strategies like bullets and short paragraphs. Only include the last 10 to 15 years of work experience on your CV. You are not required to list everything you’ve ever done in your life.
  5. Writing a Resume Objective That Isn’t Appropriate for the Position: Avoid employing an objective statement that does not align with the focus of the target job. Many job applicants no longer include an aim on their resume and instead, use a profile. If you have either, make sure it demonstrates your interest in the job you’re looking for and where you are applying.
  6. Including a Career Summary That Isn’t Appropriate for the Position: Using a mismatched qualifications description at the top of your resume must be avoided. Otherwise, leave it out. Your core abilities in the summary should match several of the job requirements.
  7. Writing Job Descriptions That Don’t Show What You Did: Stay away from job descriptions that just describe your tasks or obligations. Instead, make active comments that highlight key talents and achievements. Make sure the employer can understand how you contributed to the success of any company.
  8. Irrelevant Duties at the Head of Your Paragraphs: Start with the most impactful statement, demonstrating that you have vital abilities relevant to the position. If not, your reader may merely scan over that description.
  9. Quantifying Achievements: Instead of using empty self-congratulatory platitudes, quantify your achievements or provide other solid facts to back up your claims. Numbers, such as the number of personnel handled, sales numbers, and so on, are always helpful.
  10. Being Overly Shy: Matter-of-factly, share any accolades or distinctions you’ve received. For example, “Promoted to associate director after boosting annual donations by 25%,” or “Received team player award at three annual company-wide awards ceremonies.” While you don’t want to come across as cocky, your resume is an excellent way to highlight achievements.


These are some common resume mistakes that everyone must avoid. Unfortunately, these act as hurdles in your way while looking for a job, and thus it is always advised to ensure that your resume is always apt and perfect to be selected for any job post.

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