25 Apr
Tips to Optimize your Linkedin Profile
Tips to Optimise your LinkedIn Profile

If you’ve been on LinkedIn for a while, you may recall that the social media platform was once primarily utilised as an online CV.

However, LinkedIn has evolved into a tool for not only getting hired or finding talent but also for building a professional network and personal brand.

LinkedIn is also a great way to develop customer relationships, promote your experience and knowledge, close more business, and improve your company’s employer brand.

The days of just creating a generic profile are long gone. You must now be more strategic and consider how you want others to perceive you on social media. Here’s how to make your LinkedIn profile more successful today and in the future.

Tips for enhancing your LinkedIn profile

  1. Select a powerful profile picture

When creating your profile, including a powerful and clear profile photo.

Something that reveals your face assures that your network and recruiters have faith in you. Make sure your LinkedIn profile photo is 400 by 400 pixels for the most excellent image quality and fit.

You also have various options for displaying your image when you click the picture on your profile. To make it easier for search engines to find your profile, we recommend selecting “All LinkedIn Members” or “Public.”

  1. Make use of the photo in the background.

While your profile picture is primarily focused on you, you should also use the background image in your profile. This can be relevant to your work or interests, but it can also be more creative about the organisation where you now work.

This image might potentially be used as your profile’s banner or wallpaper. For the most excellent quality, ensure the image is 1584 px wide by 396 px height (4:1 proportion).

  1. About section will be your story to tell.

Your summary is one LinkedIn profile optimisation tip you should pay attention to. This is an excellent spot to express your narrative in less than 2,000 characters. Use keywords and update as often as necessary to maintain relevance and accuracy.

The first 265-275 characters of your summary content will be shown before someone has to click “See More” to see the rest of it. Your opening words should “hook” a profile visitor by describing who you are, what you care about, and what you want to accomplish.

Following this section, you should consider including some fantastic media that you were a part of, such as documents, links, videos, etc. It’s a great approach to demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.

  1. Complete the form with your job experience.

While optimising your LinkedIn profile entails more than just talking about your work history, you should fill out this part. It’s up to you how in-depth you want to go with each employment experience, but highlight some of your most notable accomplishments.

  1. Demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.

Another helpful section to fill out is the education and qualifications section.

While your overall work experience is essential, many recruiters and individuals in your network may be interested in learning more about your education and skills. Furthermore, when you gain new talents, individuals in your network may begin to endorse your chosen qualities, increasing your trust factor.

  1. Change the URL of your profile.

When it comes to customising your LinkedIn profile, one setting that is easy to ignore is your profile URL. You can clean up that URL by adding your first and last names.

Go to your profile and then choose the option to “Edit public profile & URL” in the upper right corner. Stay in the upper right corner after the page has refreshed, and then you can modify the URL to something more readable than a string of numbers and letters.

  1. Begin writing, sharing, and interacting.

As you clean up your LinkedIn profile, it’s time to engage and become more active! Even if you don’t want to establish a sizable personal brand, there are several ways to accomplish it.

Begin writing! Continue to provide value by sharing insights on things you’ve learned in your career and expert insights into your sector or employment position. You don’t have to post every day, but you should develop a rhythm that works for you. It could be a combination of blog articles, text-only content, video, or image-based information.


Engagement is another component of being seen on LinkedIn and developing relationships. This is when you interact with other people’s content, whether through a comment, a reaction, or a reshare. You can also tag your network on objects (with caution). This is how you increase your credibility and reach, plus people enjoy being engaged and will most likely connect with your material in return!

18 Apr
Top interview questions you must ask to all candidates
Top interview questions to ask all candidates

When interviewing a candidate, you must obtain as much information as possible in a short amount of time. It can be challenging to learn enough about a candidate to determine whether they are the best fit for a position — but by asking good interview questions, you can gain a better understanding of not only their skills and experience but also their conversational skills, problem-solving abilities, and ability to think quickly.

Asking questions that are unique to the company or function and broader ones that allow the applicant to demonstrate their personality and ability to think critically under pressure is the most excellent method to assess a candidate for skill fit and culture fit fully.

Best interview questions for candidates

  1. What is your proudest professional achievement: While it’s critical to choose someone who can execute the job properly, you also want someone proud of their work. By asking the candidate to share their favorite career accomplishment, you will allow them to share a highlight of their career. Still, you will also gain a better understanding of the type of work that makes them happy and whether it aligns with the role’s responsibilities.
  2. Tell me about yourself that I don’t know about from your resume: Jobseekers meticulously write their resumes to present the most excellent summary of their professional history, but you can’t understand everything just by looking at their resume. This question is purposely vague to give the interviewee the option of sharing something work-related or not. They may choose to tell you about their world-traveling sabbatical, charity work, or another life-changing experience. The way they reply to this question and the story they tell might reveal a lot about the kind of employee they will be.
  3. What prompted you to apply for this job: Because it dives into specifics of the job role, this is one of the most important interview questions to ask. It demonstrates how thoroughly the candidate read the job description and explains why they believe they would be a good fit. A well-crafted response will touch applicant’s existing talents and those they desire to develop or enhance.
  4. What are your most serious flaws: This is one of the most used interview questions for a reason: it allows you to discover a lot about a candidate in a short amount of time. This question will enable you to determine three things: whether the candidate’s weaknesses conflict with job requirements or hinder their ability to excel in the role; whether the candidate is self-aware enough to recognize their shortcomings without having to think too hard; and whether the candidate is self-aware enough to acknowledge their weaknesses without having to think too hard. What steps a candidate takes to address their flaws.
  5. Which of the following are your greatest assets: When a candidate discusses their strengths, it demonstrates their self-awareness and humility, just as it does when talking about their faults. This interview question also allows the applicant to highlight how their best abilities match the requirements of the position and demonstrate how they will use their talents to assist the organization in achieving its objectives.
  6. Tell me about a challenging work situation you faced and how you dealt with it: Everyone has faced difficult situations at work. It is frequently that professionals learn the most in these situations. This is one of the best interview questions to ask because it allows the candidate to describe how they function under pressure and highlight their problem-solving and stress management abilities.
  7. Tell me about a period when you had a hefty workload to manage. How did you deal with it: This is one of the essential questions interviewers should ask. It indicates a candidate’s organizational and time management skills and handling difficult situations, such as a workload rise. Examine how the candidate prioritizes duties, adjusts to new challenges, and collaborates with others for the job completion.


A job interview allows you to determine whether or not a candidate is qualified and whether or not other employees would enjoy working with them. You may better assess skill level and personality attributes by asking these questions, which are the most important things to consider when hiring a new employee.

13 Apr
Future of Recruitment
Future of Recruitment

Recruiting is about more than filling a post, a quarter, or a year in the future. You must think about new recruitment trends that haven’t yet affected your company. A strong recruitment plan should address current needs while also being adaptable enough to address future ones.

Trends in recruitment change throughout time. HR recruiters, Companies, and candidates’ expectations are all changing. Therefore, it’s critical to adjust as quickly as feasible. The game’s object is to see which recruiter can respond swiftly and secure the best prospect for their firm.

  1. Recruiting Globally:

Worldwide hiring will be in high demand as organisations look for the expertise they need. Furthermore, the pandemic has accelerated the market’s demand for remote hires.

With a growing number of workers working remotely, businesses have begun to use employee collaboration tools to improve job effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, organisations are developing global recruitment strategies to expand their recruiting reach. They want to tap into the vast pool of available talent to discover the perfect match for them.

  1. The emergence of new job titles:

AI and automation will heavily exploit the current job titles and duties.

Nobody could have imagined that AI would cause drivers to lose their employment in the future. However, automation will have the most significant influence on the wholesale and retail industries.

Many new employment roles in the IT business are predicted by IT experts, including Data Detective, AI-Assisted Healthcare Technician, Quantum Machine Learning Analyst, Master of Edge Computing, Cyber City Analyst, and others.

  1. Algorithm-based shortlisting:

The days of recruiters individually going through stacks of CVs and shortlisting individuals are long gone. Even today, digitally screening all applicants is a time-consuming and challenging endeavour for any recruiter. Furthermore, because a recruiter only considers an application for six seconds on average, the chances of making an error are rather significant.

Algorithm-based shortlisting comes to the rescue at this moment. Algorithms in robust computer programmes would sift through massive databases and select the most qualified candidate for the position. The involvement of ML would also aid in the elimination of bias in hiring.

  1. Recruiting for Learning Quotient:

When screening applications, recruiters should prioritise a candidate’s learning quotient over all other abilities.

A candidate’s capacity to adapt to new situations and make the most of them is a special skill in a future where industries and job positions are continually changing and unique abilities are required.

One of the deciding criteria in employee selection will be understanding new markets, gaining new skills, and exploiting them. Additionally, when AI takes over the majority of occupations, other talents such as thinking skills will be in high demand.

  1. Improved quality of hire (AI assistance):

Artificial intelligence-enabled tools would be the most remarkable and unavoidable addition to the recruiting process. These technologies provide your hiring process with an extra degree of insight.

AI-enabled solutions can effectively sift thousands of candidates and reduce time-consuming manual errands. Furthermore, AI aid improves the quality of hires for your organisation. The ML algorithm learns and improves its ability to match applicants’ talents to the job criteria by analysing data.

From sourcing applications to screening the appropriate fit and selection to succession, using AI in your recruitment process can help make the process faster, simpler, more effective, and streamlined. 

Final Words:

In the coming decade, the recruitment business will undergo significant transformation. So, it won’t be long before AI takes over recruitment and most automated recruitment methods.

As ever-changing global events shape the globe, businesses seek new methods to adapt. HR is affecting the way employees work as well. From employing someone electronically to widening your view of your possible labour pool, recruitment is moving at a rapid speed.